Friday, August 28, 2009

Making of "The Reborn" behind the scenes part 5/Cp Exclusive

Well, Yaker, Coolpengy, and Yopwner have made a poster for my song, "The Reborn." I started creating it on July 17th of this year, as you all remember. We'll, on September 12th, it will permiere HERE ON CPDB. Here's the poster the team made:
I even caught up with Yopwner to ask him how the effects are going.
Bman: So what's new?
Yopwner: Not much, Bman. Oh yeah, yesterday, Coolpengy and Yaker had fight.
Bman: what for?
Yopwner: Well, Coolpengy is who started the fude, but they both are responsible. Here's the story. Coolpengy knew that Yaker was a natural born prankster, and he was walking home from the store. His mom wanted cheese and milk. The store was across the street so it was no problem. While he was getting his keys out, Yaker came by and made Coolpengy drop his keys to the house. Coolpengy yelled saying: "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" But Yaker ran away before he could. Yesterday, Coolpengy marched over to Yakers house and they started arguing. They should be back on track by tomorrow, but for now I gotta do all the work.
Bman: Thanks for sharing.
Yopwner: No problem.
There you have it. They interview went on longer, but all this was the important stuff. The interview was about 10 minuites, but here you only seen 50 seconds. After "No problem" There was more.
Now here's what's up with CP.
You know how I gave you the early update yesterday, so this is not about it.
But Mimo is upset that theres no new cheats for this week's sports catalog.
I'm upset too.
Though Cp did have some good stuff in it, just no new cheats...
That's all bye!

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