Friday, August 7, 2009

Aqua wins/other stuff

Aqua wins! (No offense to Z, but take that Maroon and Lavender! Aqua kicked your rears!)
Don't believe me? See the last color. It's aqua!

And they are doing construction around the island for the party!
Anyway, I have changed my color from black to Aqua now that it kicked maroon and lavender out of they're misery.
So, yeah.
The new catalog has a lot of flight stuff and exclusive stuff like a balloon and a orange hoodie!
And now you can play music in the lighthouse and actually hear yourself playing it!

I'm the aqua guy at the bottom.
And there looks like at the festival of flight, they will have hot air balloons due to clues:

Think you have what it takes to be airborn? Then MAKE IT FOR THE FLIGHT FESTIVAL AUGUST 14th-18th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think they will have as a free item if it is a party? A jetpack? Maybe a new propeller cap. IDK, but we'll see at that festival.