Monday, August 10, 2009

My poll/Transformers club is almost done

Well, nothings going on in cp, so I thought I'd talk to you about the poll that I have.
It says: "If you could make one item of one of the following, what would it be?" The winner of that contest will have a permenent picture of what it would look like, and I will post it on the blog right below the daily calender. Looks like the lazer hat is winning so far. Maybe I'll give you guys a hint on what the Purple Sunglasses would look like. Here:

I vote for the Purple Sunglasses, and so far it's in 2nd place. Cmon, Purple, win!!!!
And my new blog, Transformers Club, is almost done! Want to help with the beta? Here's the link:
Thanks for helping bye!

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