Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rockhopper in NYC!

You're invited to see Rockhopper in NYC!
Read the postcard for the deats
Excellent! *claps*

Friday, November 25, 2011

Fire vs. Water; The Ninja Party!

The Ninja Party is Here! HA! Yahoo! First, the free items.

In the town, you can get your free Fire Headband
In the plaza, you can get your free Water Headband
That's it. Crap!
Anyways, in the Dock there's a room for members. Mimo's got the cheats for that. Go check it out, boi!

And as promised, we can now enter the Fire and Water dojos, with a little greets from sensei
Finally, I can wear my old Fire Suit! And you can earn your suits too.
Go whoop those games in the butt my friend. ^_^

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Billybob's Art Challenge

Heyo! It's Billybob's Art Challenge! Yahoo! Check it out!

And here's Jessika on how to draw a penguin!

Holy crap, this so awesome!!!

(P.S; If you see someone named "Brandon Thacool" posting around here, that's Bman. Now you know my first name. Deal with it.)

Friday, November 18, 2011

All New Stuff


Ninja Amulet for EVERYONE!
Holy crap! Ninja Amulet for everyone? Nice!
1: Go to the Dojo Courtyard
2: Enter the Ninja Hideout
3: Click on the Martial Arts catalog and buy the amulet
4: You're a lucky son of a gun!

New Field Op
Step 1: Accept your field op
Step 2: Go to the cove
Step 3: Waddle your butt in the water for a swim
Step 4: Your Spy Phone will ring when you reach the follow coordinates: 32, 68, -103
Step 5: Answer your phone, dummy!

New Pin - Blue Fish
Blue Fish. You saw me standing alone. Without a dream in my heart. Without a love of my own.
Blue Fish. You knew just what I was there for. You heard me saying a prayer for, someone I really could care for.

8000 Hits!
Club Penguin Database has reach 8,000 hits! Holy crap, that's so awesome! YAHOO!
Thank you all for sticking with us EST. 2009! We love you all, and we'll stay here with you for another bunch of hits! Again, thank you all!

And thats the All New Stuff.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Card Jitsu Ninja Party Sneak Peak

It's a Sneaky Peak of what's to come out of this god forsaken Card Jitsu Ninja Party.
Interesting, Yes? No? Maybe So?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

G's Newest and Uttermost Message

True Shizzle
We already know there's a freaking party that will be going on. Hurr Durr!!!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pufflescape Trailer

CP posted a Pufflescape Trailer on their YouTube Page:

I hope you have enjoyed the cinematic footage of this virtual computer gaming program ^_^

Monday, November 7, 2011

Rollerscape is Here!


Rollerscape is here, folks and folkettes!
You can play it at the Pet Shop.
Choose your puffle!
Select and play!
Wow, Hot Spot looks tired. Isn't it swell? Why don't we get a hat for beta testing Rollerscape into Pufflescape?

Have fun!

Upcoming Card Jitsu Party!

During this party, Non-Members will be allowed to play Card-Jitsu Fire and Water! I got my Fire Suit while I was a member, but if they allow us to get our water suits, then AWESOME! There's still no word on whether or not Non-Members will be able to level up in suits though.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Busy All Week

Hi, guys. Sorry, but I will be busy all week long with course finals in school, and won't be able to update you with the CP news. For the time being, I suggest going to one of the following sites for further club penguin news: