Well, there will be an underwater party (Probably similar to the water party of '08) August 21st-September 10th. There will also be a festival of flight August 14th-18th. A new color will be Tomorrow. By the looks of the newspaper, what color is there?
And there will be a new catalog to go with the new color and a new igloo catalog August 21st-September 18th. A new pin will be on august 14th too.
Now here's the newspaper pic:

Ok, bye!
Yesterday on August 5th, 2009, Ya know, I got Leader class Revenge of the fallen Jetfire! Now I have all 3 leader class revenge of the fallen toys. I still have more deluxes and voyagers to buy, but they aren't around in stores yet. And they are making a ROTF Leader class Starscream... Bad Idea, Hasbro