Skids- "Ding-a-ling cmon out and getcha ice cream"
Mudflap- "Ice cream, Getcha Ice cream."
Skids- "Hey any bad robots out there better get ready for a tail whoopin'."
Except he said the bad word of tail or rear.
And they are an Ice cream truck, they combine into, and they have no individual forms. They looked like this: (Skids-Left, Mudflap- Right)
And then they scan a Green chevy beat (Skids) and a Orange chevy trax (Mudflap.)
They're lines were in that scene:
Skids- "Excuse me."
Mudflap- "Ice cream truck comin' through."
Skids- "Ain't no mountain high enough to beat our skinny... Oooh look at those chevys."
Mudflap- "Ya those are some nice look rides"
Skids- "Ya, ya, Itz upgrade time."
Mudflap- "I want the green one."
Skids- "Get that Orange thing ova there"
(Skids hits Mudflap)
Mudflap- "Owch, man that hurt."
Skids- "Iz suposed to hurt, iz a tail kickin'."
Once again saying the bad word of tail or rear.
And then they look like the one we all know... Like this: (Skids-left, Mudflap-right)
And so, they were better, and awesome in the film.
That's the ROTF tip for now. Bye!
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