Friday, October 14, 2011

New Puffle Stats/Field Op 51/Better Igloos October

The New Puffle Stats come with a new Puffle Handler Guide...
Wow. The frame I caught Goofball on is creepy O_O

Plus, if your out strolling, leaving your puffie at home, and they're hungry, want to play, or otherwise, it will tell you in a bubble over your home button
And even over their heads!
Meanwhile, there's a new field op! Saweetz!
Step 1: Accept your field op, pop tart!
Step 2: Go to the Underground
Step 3: Waddle your butt over to the rocks near the water, like you just don't care
Step 4: What else? Once your spy phone rings, "Just Do It!"
Step 5: That's about it...

Almost to the end of this post, the director doesn't know what the Hackensack to do with Herbert!

To conclude, there's a new Better Igloos Catalog out. Check it out at Mimo's Blog

I'm sure you are wondering: "Why does Bman still have that dorky Pumpkin on his scalp?" The answer is simple: I'll be wearing it all through October in festivities to the upcoming Halloween Party starting on October 20th! SHAMWHAOOOAOAAA!!!

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