Ninja Amulet for EVERYONE!
Holy crap! Ninja Amulet for everyone? Nice!
1: Go to the Dojo Courtyard
2: Enter the Ninja Hideout
3: Click on the Martial Arts catalog and buy the amulet
4: You're a lucky son of a gun!
New Field Op
Step 1: Accept your field op
Step 2: Go to the cove
Step 3: Waddle your butt in the water for a swim
Step 4: Your Spy Phone will ring when you reach the follow coordinates: 32, 68, -103
Step 5: Answer your phone, dummy!
New Pin - Blue Fish
Blue Fish. You saw me standing alone. Without a dream in my heart. Without a love of my own.
Blue Fish. You knew just what I was there for. You heard me saying a prayer for, someone I really could care for.
8000 Hits!
Club Penguin Database has reach 8,000 hits! Holy crap, that's so awesome! YAHOO!
Thank you all for sticking with us EST. 2009! We love you all, and we'll stay here with you for another bunch of hits! Again, thank you all!
And thats the All New Stuff.
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