If you haven't seen the beginning of this contest go to this link:
I've decided to cut it a day early. Here's the old picture (Must enlarge to see. to do so, click on the photo)
Here are the big winners first:
Mega Tech555
Those were the first 9. 2 more people got it right, but srry, they dont get anything cuz they didnt enter it before the first 9 people did. Lots of people missed the 7th difference. Here are the answers:
1. The orange flag is missing
2. There are 2 gold gears on the side of the Clock, when there is supposed to be 1 gold gear.
3. The Saturday name is spelt "Saturdas" on the clock
4. Penguin Stadium is says "Penguin Penguin" on the picture
5. The scoreboard is missing from the stadium
6. There are 2 snowball signs in the chat bar, the duplicate is replacing the star (or Member sign for members)
7. There is an extra snowball by the snow fort with the flag missing (not many ppl found it)
8. The "M" sign on the top right cornor is missing
The 9 lucky winners get an exclusive scene on whats next in cp and a cp poster. Plus, they get invited to a secret Bman party somewhere.
I will email the winners where this party is, the time, date, and server, so they can be special.
That is all, bye!
(The Fall fair and Rockhopper are coming in 2 days! GET READY!
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