Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Music Jam Extension/Bman's Vacation

Hello, Peanuts. The Music Jam is extending for one more whole week! Whoopieeeee!

Hey guys, I'm sorry to say that I will be on vacation between July 4th and July 29th (Yeah, not 27th, for all that I've spoiled with) and I will have a great time! What am I sorry about? I might not be able to get you the best news up to date, and Reeze is also going on vacation. The Database might be a little slow, so whatever I don't update you with, you can find at Mimo777's blog right over here. I'll try and make it here for the Island Adventure Party!



  1. Hey Bman! Cool blog! I was wanting to know if you could support my blog because i have only an average of 7-12 viewers a day and some of them were looking for something else and stumbled upon my blog. If you go over to my blog you will see a button that says "Support Bird Pingu!" if you click on that you will see a few Banners for my blog. If you put one of those on your blog i will put yours on my blog in place were Jmann's used to be. (for some reason Jmann's banners no longer work) Thanks a whole lot this would be great help! Have a great day and great vacation dude!

  2. I would, Jacob, but it seems I'm not able to copy any of your banner HTMLs, therefore I'm not able to put it on my blog. Are you able to copy the html and put it in a comment?
