That's all, bye!
Here's what Screenhog wants us to look for:
Ok, here's the FULL list:
* 5 penguins, including one with huge muscles (They are in "Ring the Bell" in the dock)
* 3 saddles in one room (Forest. Each of them are piled up on the bull ride)
* A popcorn stand (Cove)
* A carmel apple (Coffee Shop)
* Over 300 balls in one room (Ice berg)
* A wall of cactus (Balloon pop in Bonus Game room)
* A spinning blue puffle (On pet shop)
* A spinning green puffle (In the game Feed-A-Puffle at cove)
* A room that has a single color of balloons (Beach. Has 4 orange balloons but no other color)
* The Great Puffle Circus (Forest)
So go give those answers to screenhog lol.
That's all, bye!
This has my real voice in it, so there you have it, now you know my real voice lol.
But the song is by gloria gaynor, so THAT IS NOT ME IF ANYBODY ASKS.
Thanks for watching! Comment and Rate! Bye!
Someday, I might post the "Alien Song" Here, which is the song in here. Except it is edited and sang by an alien and it was shortened (The song "I will survive") so that the nooby alien could die. Well, I killed it perminatly, SO TAKE THAT, PIXAR! (Just Kidding, although I did kill it in this film XD)